Are you looking for a healthier, natural smile? Do you want permanently whiter teeth? The dentists at Front Range Dental Center are now able to offer KöR Whitening Deep Bleaching™. KöR Whitening was developed by cosmetic dentist who specializes in creating perfect smiles. KöR Whitening is not a one or two hour procedure…… it is a three to four week process that starts with the dentist taking an impression of your teeth and making custom fitting teeth whitening mouth guard. The patient would need to wear the teeth whitening mouth guard at home for two weeks. After the two weeks, the patient would then re-visit the dentist at Front Range Dental Center for Dr. Radtke or Dr. Eckhardt to finish the teeth whitening procedure.
Call Front Range Dental Center, your Fort Collins dentist, at 970-673-7321 to schedule your appointment for the KöR Whitening Deep Bleaching™.